pear tree from seeds
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by Jiffymouse on May 15, 2005 10:11 PM
by tkhooper on May 16, 2005 12:38 AM
Some pears require cross pollination so you would need two different sorts of pears inorder to get fruit. And I'm afraid I don't know anything about their growing requirements. But if you only have about 8 weeks of growing season that may not be enough time for them to fruit. I have been reading up on your area as you can see. The ones you have may be a hybrid that is special to your area in which case you are going to have to find out that varieties name.
by obywan59 on May 20, 2005 06:17 PM
Pear trees definitely benefit from cross-pollination.
Seeds of fruit trees produce seedlings of varying quality, most of which will not be as good as the parents. Also, seedling trees would grow into full sized "standard" trees which would require tending with ladders and lots of climbing.
I would recommend buying a named variety of pear tree on a dwarfing rootstock. You would know what you were getting and being dwarf makes the care of the trees so much easier.
This of course would also depend on whether or not pears are suited to your climate. Pears and apples are more suited to temperate regions. You are probably hot and dry. There may be certain varieties that would be acceptable, however. I would do some research on this before attempting it.
Having said all this, I have a friend who is nursing a small apple seedling. Simply for the fun of experimentation, you could plant some seeds in small pots or probably a cell pack would be better. The seeds will need a 2-3 month period to encourage germination. Place them in a little moist sand or potting soil in the refrigerator and then plant them in a cell pack after 3 months or so.
One more thought, pear and apple trees need a certain amount of cold weather to stimulate bloom and fruit set. Certain varieties require less of a cool period than others, but if they don't receive enough cold temperatures, they will never fruit.
* * * *

May the force be with you
Seeds of fruit trees produce seedlings of varying quality, most of which will not be as good as the parents. Also, seedling trees would grow into full sized "standard" trees which would require tending with ladders and lots of climbing.
I would recommend buying a named variety of pear tree on a dwarfing rootstock. You would know what you were getting and being dwarf makes the care of the trees so much easier.
This of course would also depend on whether or not pears are suited to your climate. Pears and apples are more suited to temperate regions. You are probably hot and dry. There may be certain varieties that would be acceptable, however. I would do some research on this before attempting it.
Having said all this, I have a friend who is nursing a small apple seedling. Simply for the fun of experimentation, you could plant some seeds in small pots or probably a cell pack would be better. The seeds will need a 2-3 month period to encourage germination. Place them in a little moist sand or potting soil in the refrigerator and then plant them in a cell pack after 3 months or so.
One more thought, pear and apple trees need a certain amount of cold weather to stimulate bloom and fruit set. Certain varieties require less of a cool period than others, but if they don't receive enough cold temperatures, they will never fruit.
* * * *

May the force be with you
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