pumpkin vine trying to climb
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by Longy on May 05, 2005 08:19 PM
Hey Joy,
you can use old panty hose to sling pumpkins. Works a treat. Then in the winter you can use them for armed robberies. Reuse, recycle right
you can use old panty hose to sling pumpkins. Works a treat. Then in the winter you can use them for armed robberies. Reuse, recycle right
by 4Ruddy on May 05, 2005 09:23 PM
Then in the winter you can use them for armed robberies. Reuse, recycle right
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
May life give you more than you can ever eat...

by glumyeeyore26 on September 10, 2005 07:21 AM
I have read on one web site that you can train pumpkin vines to climb where ever you want them to all you have to do is put something like a shelf type thing for them to crawl on top of before the little curls start to grab everything in site. Since it was may you had this issue you probably already figured something out. For future pumkins you can keep this in mind and maybe you know someone who is crafty with wood and can help you creat a shelf in your garden. The site I read had said have seen them growing on roofs. I can only imagin that and get a big laugh there.
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Rush jobs you want it bad you get it bad. The worse you want it the worse you get it. So how bad do you want it?
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Rush jobs you want it bad you get it bad. The worse you want it the worse you get it. So how bad do you want it?
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Peas have been blooming 2 weeks,the white bloomers i think are snap peas?(looks like a snow pea kinda)and finally got a bloom on pumpkin so would know which was pumpkin which was watermelon& 1st squash bloomer or maybe it its a cuke.i did add 8 cukes at one end of the sisters thang& zuccs at the other end.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!