repotting peppers
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by ritchie902 on April 14, 2005 08:27 PM
hi, i want to repot one of my pepper plants but it has peppers on it. will repotting this plant hurt it or the peppers on it? should i wait until the peppers are ready to be picked? thx
by njoynit on April 14, 2005 08:58 PM
I grow my jalpinos yr round& they go into a pot in fall and out of pot in spring.I move in spring when are no blossoms& the peppers that have formed before moveing are usually smaller but taste is fine.cyanne don't transplant well,but the seeds start well.I've never moved my bells or banana peppers,but imagine banana pepper would move fine.When you move them keep them watered daily for at least 2 weeks your roots need to re establish and you may want to pick any blossoms off durring them 2 weeks.less stress for plant.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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