Raspberries/pine needle ground cover?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
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by ericaeeh77 on April 01, 2005 06:24 AM
I have a pretty good size raspberry patch, and a very large pine tree that drops a ton of needles. My husband wants me to use the needles as a mulch in the raspberry patch, would this cause any harm to the raspberries? I live in a river valley so the soil is a sandy/gravel mix if that makes a difference. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
by duckie on April 02, 2005 05:58 AM
I have a big patch of raspberries too.lucky us huh?
I think those pine needles would be a great mulch.
I wish I had more available.
Do you have any good recipes you'd like to share?
Yum,yum,I love raspberries
* * * *

by ericaeeh77 on April 02, 2005 01:38 PM
Thanks duckie for your response. I love having my raspberry patch. This is only the second summer I've been in my house so last year we had a lot of ice cream with fresh raspberries,yum.
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