How do i cross breed daylilies?
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by TheGardenerGuy on July 07, 2006 10:48 AM
Has anyone tried this?
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by hisgal2 on July 08, 2006 04:01 AM
Sorry, I haven't done this. I have MANY day lilies, but didn't think you could cross breed them. They make babies by sending out runners from the main root bulb which then forms another root bulb that produces another lily. Hopefully someone will come around that might be able to help you.
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by kennyso on July 08, 2006 07:38 AM
I've never done this, or even had daylilyies before. I had seeds, bujt never bothered to sow them. From what I know, I'd just let the bees do it. I'm pretty sure that seeds will not get you a replicaof the parent. So it's times like this that I'm actually thankful for those creepy crawlies!
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by TheGardenerGuy on July 09, 2006 01:18 PM
Myabe cross breed isn't the right word.....Im trying to make a new daylily hybrid by crossing two existing the daylily farms do.
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.
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I would like to cross breed a couple of my new daylilies...
Has anyone took on this task and is willing to show me how?
Thanks so much!
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.