Favorite ground cover?
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by netwiz on July 04, 2006 03:51 AM
I forgot to mention that the slope gets full sun.
by RugbyHukr on July 04, 2006 01:14 PM
english ivy is evergreen & tolerates full sun. no flowers.
cotoneaster has flowers (nice scent) for 6 weeks in late spring/early summer. plus red berries afterwards through the winter. it is evergreen. consider planting it with room to spread & fill in. but leave some gaps. in the gaps try gomball or some other low-growing spiraea.
3rd idea, make a wildflower bed. perennials + annuals. buy seeds that will give blooms at different times. supplement with bulbs if you wish early spring blooms.
* * * *

I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
cotoneaster has flowers (nice scent) for 6 weeks in late spring/early summer. plus red berries afterwards through the winter. it is evergreen. consider planting it with room to spread & fill in. but leave some gaps. in the gaps try gomball or some other low-growing spiraea.
3rd idea, make a wildflower bed. perennials + annuals. buy seeds that will give blooms at different times. supplement with bulbs if you wish early spring blooms.
* * * *

I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
by netwiz on July 05, 2006 03:40 AM
Thanks Rugbyhukr, I love the idea of wildflowers. The don't think I could keep the ivy contained very well and I just ripped out some cottoneaster I wasn't too fond of.
Do you think the wildflowers would keep the weeds under control? We also have some poison ivy that pops up there as well. I'll look into this, thanks!!
Do you think the wildflowers would keep the weeds under control? We also have some poison ivy that pops up there as well. I'll look into this, thanks!!
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