Need Lily Info
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by Bess of the Piedmont on January 09, 2004 10:25 PM
I love lilies, especially the hardy day lilies. The only advice I have about them is to keep them in a bed of their own, as they can really run rampant.
Here's a nice website to visit:
I have grown oriental lilies, but my yard is generally too damp for them to live very long, but oohhhh, they are lovely.
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Here's a nice website to visit:
I have grown oriental lilies, but my yard is generally too damp for them to live very long, but oohhhh, they are lovely.
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by alankhart on January 12, 2004 07:40 PM
Lilies are one of my favorite flowers...I grow all 3 of the ones you mentioned. For best results, grow then in a sunny to partly sunny location that stays dry in the winter. I grow them all throughout my garden areas...they do great intermixed with other perennials. Asiatic lilies usually bloom earlier than oriental ones. There are different daylilies that bloom in spring, summer and fall so you can have some blooming all the time, and some will rebloom.
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by Bess of the Piedmont on January 15, 2004 06:36 PM
Hey Alan-
Are there types of daylilies that are less rampant than others. The tawnies, of course, run everywhere but are charming. My tall lemon daylilies and dark reds are not nearly so invasive.
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Are there types of daylilies that are less rampant than others. The tawnies, of course, run everywhere but are charming. My tall lemon daylilies and dark reds are not nearly so invasive.
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by catlover on January 15, 2004 11:30 PM
Ohhhhh so growing them next to a winding walkway with grass on the otherside and watering 2-3 times a week for 30 min. with a sprinkler system is not wise!!! Hmmmmm.
Well darn that changes my location!!!! Will have to totally wipe the slate and rethink this!
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Well darn that changes my location!!!! Will have to totally wipe the slate and rethink this!
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by floweraddict on January 26, 2004 02:05 PM
Karen, i think u are worrying too much about dampness.... We had one of the wettest seasons this past year and it didn't harm my lilies at all... Matter of fact, they were absolutely fabulous!
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Last year I missed out!
I need to know all info. about growing lilies....soil, water, light conditions, fertilizer, etc.
I would like to start with Oriental, Asiatic, and Day Lilies!!!!
Any do's and don'ts welcome!!!
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