Dead heading dahlias.
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by pansey on June 16, 2006 02:52 AM
Can anyone one advise me if you are supposed to dead head dahlias? I was not sure and did not want to start doing it if not necessary. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks....
by johnCT on June 16, 2006 02:57 AM
I've always done it. Even just for asthetic purposes.
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
by afgreyparrot on June 16, 2006 02:59 AM
Me, too.
Looks so much better.
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
Looks so much better.
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by TulsaRose on June 16, 2006 03:02 AM
I've always deadheaded until early fall then I leave a few to mature for the seeds. Deadheading keeps the plant looking pretty all season. :-)
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Rosie z7a

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Rosie z7a

by johnCT on June 16, 2006 03:08 AM
Rosie, have you had luck growing them from seed you've saved? Do they bloom first year? Sorry to hijack... ![[Embarrassed]](im/redface.gif)
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
by Muskrat on June 16, 2006 03:17 AM
My mother-in-law has the most lovely dahlias. She is constantly taking off extra buds... she makes it so there is only one flower blooming... and wow! what a flower!!! She is actually a member of a dahlia society or something! I remember her saying that if you restrict the plant to producing only one flower at a time all the energy goes into that one flower and it is SPECTACULAR.
by TulsaRose on June 16, 2006 09:17 AM
John, I've had really good luck with starting them from seed. I don't grow the large ones, however...just the small, Dahlia Rigoletto Mix. I got the original seeds from Park or Burpee several years ago. They are great front of the border plants in lots of spectacular colors.
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Rosie z7a

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Rosie z7a

by pansey on June 18, 2006 03:17 AM
Thank you for the good info about Dahlia's. I wondered about removing some of the buds and now I will try it. Pansey from Virginia
by dodge on June 19, 2006 01:19 PM
Tulsa Rose
Has it correct......i agree 100%.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Has it correct......i agree 100%.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by Deborah L. on June 19, 2006 03:50 PM
My dearest friend is Edna Comstock, for years a famous breeder of dahlias.
The Edna C. dahlia is named for her. Bred by her husband.
With dahlia seed, you won't know what color of flower you'll get, but if you store the tuber over winter, it will reproduce in kind.
You can see the famous Edna C. online.
She is a wonderful, sweet lady, almost 94 now.![[Love]](im/graemlins/love.gif)
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The Edna C. dahlia is named for her. Bred by her husband.
With dahlia seed, you won't know what color of flower you'll get, but if you store the tuber over winter, it will reproduce in kind.
You can see the famous Edna C. online.
She is a wonderful, sweet lady, almost 94 now.
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by dodge on June 20, 2006 01:40 AM
Deb L
Thanks I will check it out.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Thanks I will check it out.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
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