Gigantic Broccoli Plants
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by plantlady19 on July 09, 2004 06:45 PM
I'm not sure I can help with the broccoli. That is a new problem to me. The tomatoes, however, are a different story. Do you have any dogs that get into the garden? Do the kids go in there? (I know I was my mother's garden nemisis when I was a wee one.) Or how about the cats? Unless you have extremely gusty days, I'd look for a human/animal component for the buds dropping. Also, try touching one yourself. If it falls off after a gentle brush, then there might be a problem with the plant.
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Rule like a Goddess.
Command like a queen.
Work like a slave.
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Rule like a Goddess.
Command like a queen.
Work like a slave.
by murphyette on July 11, 2004 03:33 AM
Well, it didn't fall off when I touched it, so I am thinking the cats are using them as batting practice.
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by iowadahlia on July 16, 2004 10:53 PM
that happened to me too, with the brocolli and cauliflower. the deer ate then down to nothing almost, they grew back huge but only one cauliflower grew. i have heard of this elswhere on the net, no answer yet. we had lots of rain and very cool temps but i thought brocolli that humm. now i am very courious.
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And something keeps knocking my little tomato buds off the vine...what's up with that???
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