Pumpkin flowers
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by ClodHopper on June 24, 2004 07:40 PM
How can you tell the difference in the male and female? I see what looks like a stigma in both of them but don't see anthers on either. Let me add I am completely clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff and going from what I remember in highschool biology (20 years ago).
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Hook em'
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Hook em'
by Meg on June 24, 2004 11:08 PM
It's ok clodhopper, I had to look up info myself to know what I was looking for. I found a cool site that gave me the scoop. But basically, the first flower photo is the female, and (if my camera took a better non fuzzy photo) you could tell this because the middle of it has about 6 pieces in the center that come together and there's a hole in the middle. The male flower below, just has the one piece in the center, and it's covered with loads of yellow pollen. (Also, what you can't see in these photos that I took, is the "baby pumpkin" that is at the base of the female flower, waiting to mature if the flower is pollenated, etc.
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by Phil and Laura on June 25, 2004 06:12 AM
Meg, at the very base of the female flower will be a small round baby pumpkin,about the size of a pencil eraser, if there isn't, It's not! The flower you mention may be a female, I'll take a pic in the morning of one, but it is unopened.In the meanwhile, here is a link to one that is also unopened, but is a good pic of a female flower about to open: Click on,, Baby pumpkin/female blossom
by Meg on June 25, 2004 01:33 PM
Hey Phil & Laura,
I had already figured that out.
Here's a few (hopefully) better photos of some unopened female flowers. (The very first photo in the start of this thread was an open female flower, but hard to see that with my fuzzy cam.)
I took these this morning, and it was just about getting light out, so they weren't fully open when I took this one-
And here's one that isn't ready to open just yet-
I actually found quite a few this morning, with at least 2 more blossoming today.
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I had already figured that out.
I took these this morning, and it was just about getting light out, so they weren't fully open when I took this one-

And here's one that isn't ready to open just yet-

I actually found quite a few this morning, with at least 2 more blossoming today.
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by Phil and Laura on June 25, 2004 02:25 PM
Meg, Yep, You have females...Lots of em too, You will have punkies for all the neighborhood!
I would hand pollinate though with the dense foilage you have, else some of them may be deformed or they may abort due to poor pollination, this happens with lots 'o' leaves!
I would hand pollinate though with the dense foilage you have, else some of them may be deformed or they may abort due to poor pollination, this happens with lots 'o' leaves!
by Meg on June 25, 2004 02:45 PM
hehe.. yea, I already did try to hand pollenate one, but not sure I got it good enough. I am going to try again this morning with 2 of them, as soon as the blooms are good and open for me. Should be about the time I get the dye outta my head.
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by Phil and Laura on July 05, 2004 03:49 PM
I'm sure you did fine Meg, you can use more than one male flower per female too!
by Meg on July 05, 2004 04:43 PM
Yep, most of the ones I pollenated, I believe are growing.. and there's ones I didn't pollenate that I've found growing..lol. The bees were very active this morning, so I'll leave it to them this day..lol.
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Similar discussions:
Search The Garden Helper:
Here's one of the female flowers in bloom-
And a male flower in bloom-
And just a wide shot of the "patch" with some flowers showing-
Having fun watching these things.. even tho I didnt' get my pansies.
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