Mothers tongue blooms?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by litsis14 on October 20, 2005 10:05 AM
Hi hope you can help me. I got this plant as a wedding gift 16 years ago, and just three years ago it shot up a sort of flower(sort of white flower with very sticky sap-like water drops on the stem, last for around a month). My grandmother has had hers for more than 50 years and she has never seen hers "bloom". Any information on this would be great. ummmm how can I add a pics of it? Mothers Tongue
by Jiffymouse on October 20, 2005 10:42 AM
I would love to see a picture of your sanseveria. i have heard of one other one blooming, and think it is neat, but the article where i read about it didn't have a picture. so, here is a copy of a post i posted elsewhere that should help with the photos. please post a pic if you can. i use photobucket because it is free and easy. but if you want to use the others you can.
quote:i kept a copy so i would have it when folks like you asked about pictures.
i don't remember just where this is discussed, but the answer is pretty simple. if you look at your photo bucket page, where it has lots of your pictures, each picture will look like this:
to post the picture in your post, just copy the information in the block marked "img" it already has the ubb coding in the brackets for you, so you don't have to do anything. and when you click on it, it automatically highlights the all the info in the block so all you have to do is copy (for windows, pressing control and "c" at the same time will copy it for you).
and to let y'all know how i got the picture of willie and his twin, i caught them out carousing one night... they didn't see me, and one was thumbing his nose at a waitress!(not sure if it was willie or the evil twin
by Cricket on October 20, 2005 01:03 PM
Hi Litsis,
I PM'd you a reply.
I PM'd you a reply.
by comfrey on October 21, 2005 08:06 AM
Ok..I am no expect on this, but I do know the only way that this plant will bloom is if the pot is over crowded...I neglect mine really bad and have had them bloom many times, but some of mine were so crowded that you could see bulges on the sides of the plastic pot, and they bloomed every year, until I divided them into more pots and gave everyone I knew a plant, mine haven't bloomed since, but it does take years for them to get that crowded to the smaller the pot the sooner it will bloom.
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by Jiffymouse on October 21, 2005 08:52 AM
thanks comfrey! i didn't know what the trick was, i'd never seen one bloom
by comfrey on October 21, 2005 12:22 PM
I have one that is so top heavy, it needs to be repotted into a deeper container, and I think I may try to find one that is alittle smaller, maybe it will bloom next year???? It really looks sad right now,(and yes that is dust on the leaves) but with alittle attention and repotting it will be good as new in a month or two..Here is how it looks now, Oh I also have one of the ones with the yellow edges, but it really looks sad, I have had these for years, so they are use to the neglect.

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by Jiffymouse on October 21, 2005 09:05 PM
comfrey, i have one that isn't really neglected and it still looks like that, only a little (notice i said a little) less dust! but, overall, it seems happy, so i water it and then let it go!!
by njoynit on October 21, 2005 09:59 PM
I wish now did NOT re up-potsize mine this spring.I never knew about the blooms.I'll have to ask mom now about hers.shes the negletful one.they go in a pot....thats it for soil updates either.mine don't have dust,but it gets hosed ducks like to come sh!t on deck& porch...they love to watch me clean I think...its a decoy for them to get sprayed with water.theys smart.(eat my plants....i'll come running with food...)
So has anyone seen the OTHER one bloom?with yellow edges?our walmart has 3 gallon pots full for $ had moon in its name.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
So has anyone seen the OTHER one bloom?with yellow edges?our walmart has 3 gallon pots full for $ had moon in its name.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by comfrey on October 22, 2005 05:55 AM
My yellow edged one has never bloomed, but mine grow alot slower then the all green ones, but the yellow edged ones seem to grow taller from my observation. As far as water goes..mine doesn't receive enough water, and about twice a year I take mine either outside or into the shower and give them a good spraying off.
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by Jiffymouse on October 22, 2005 07:09 AM
we had green ones in the office where i used to work that had 4-5 ft leaves... talke about WOW!
by litsis14 on October 22, 2005 11:04 PM
will it hurt my plant to let it bloom? I was telling my sister and she had hers for twenty or so years and had never seen hers bloom, then the next month she was calling me at 6am to tell me hers had finally bloomed. We were thinking maybe it was a male-female thing. But I guess its just neglect. She is lucky to be alive!!
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