help with plant fertilizer
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by tkhooper on October 13, 2005 01:15 AM
Well that's a problem. From what I understand the miracle gro will sterilize the soil, but as long as you are adding the miracle gro your not going to notice. While the organic is not going to damage the soil but will not show the forced results you get with the miracle gro. So I think what your going to find is that if you stop the experiement at harvest time your going to have misleading information. Now if you have the soil tested at the end of the year and add those results into your finding I think it will be more accurate.
Also depending on what you are growing the differences between the two may be quite different. Compost is normally pH balanced or slightly alkaline so if you are doing babies breath or other alkaline loving plants they are going to do better against the miracle gro than if you do a plant that likes slightly acidic soil. But still in the short run I think you are going to find that the miracle gro trumphs.
So as far as organic are you going to use compost and make some of it into a tea and use that as a folier(sp) spray to enhance the plants growth as well as help keep some types of bugs at bay? And where do bugs figure into your test? And how are you going to do your control?
I've got two snapdragons sitting right next to one another and one is doing great and one is not. And they were both treated the same. How are you going to avoid something like that happening? Are you going to clone the plants that you use so you know they are genetically identical?
Well that's my two cents worth.
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Also depending on what you are growing the differences between the two may be quite different. Compost is normally pH balanced or slightly alkaline so if you are doing babies breath or other alkaline loving plants they are going to do better against the miracle gro than if you do a plant that likes slightly acidic soil. But still in the short run I think you are going to find that the miracle gro trumphs.
So as far as organic are you going to use compost and make some of it into a tea and use that as a folier(sp) spray to enhance the plants growth as well as help keep some types of bugs at bay? And where do bugs figure into your test? And how are you going to do your control?
I've got two snapdragons sitting right next to one another and one is doing great and one is not. And they were both treated the same. How are you going to avoid something like that happening? Are you going to clone the plants that you use so you know they are genetically identical?
Well that's my two cents worth.
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by Will Creed on October 13, 2005 09:32 AM
Hi Necro,
In fact, fertilizer of any type or brand does not make very much difference. That is because plants use very tiny amounts of nutrients and most soil have a supply that will last for several years or more. Fertilizer ads are very misleading!
Organic fertilizers tend to help add more texture to the soil. In addition organic fertilizers often include trace elements that Miracle Gro does not usually have. However, other commercial (non-organic) fertilizers do include trace elements.
In fact, fertilizer of any type or brand does not make very much difference. That is because plants use very tiny amounts of nutrients and most soil have a supply that will last for several years or more. Fertilizer ads are very misleading!
Organic fertilizers tend to help add more texture to the soil. In addition organic fertilizers often include trace elements that Miracle Gro does not usually have. However, other commercial (non-organic) fertilizers do include trace elements.
by necro on October 13, 2005 11:48 PM
Thank you both very much. Both of your words gave me something to look into more. Hopefully I will get something done, and I thank you again. now, all i got to do is get my teacher off my back *mutters like thats going to happen* Oh yea, I was going to ask, from your point to view, which plant would be best to use for my experiment if I plan to keep them afterwards?
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by tkhooper on October 14, 2005 02:22 AM
Well if your test is going to have the highest level of accuracy you need to take several cuttings from the same parent plant root them and use them for your experiment. So it would depend on what kind of plants you have available to you. Pathos, coleus, spider plant anything that would be easy to start would be my suggestion.
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