love in a mist
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by Wrennie on May 11, 2006 12:06 AM
will reseed itself
full sun
I never grew it but heres where I got my info
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Summer Camp '07, July 14th weekend, won't you join us? 
summer camp thread 1, 2, 3,4
will reseed itself
full sun
I never grew it but heres where I got my info
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summer camp thread 1, 2, 3,4
by tkhooper on May 12, 2006 04:01 AM
Thankyou Wrennie,
I am growing some in a container and lookforward to seeing them bloom they look like interesting flowers.
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I am growing some in a container and lookforward to seeing them bloom they look like interesting flowers.
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by njoynit on May 12, 2006 04:40 AM
Hey!I got some of this!I now remember planting it!
The 1st year I had it in shade under a cedar tree& it got a lil morning sun for maybe 2 hours and was a leggy 12 inches.Hurricane Rita Retreescaped my cedar tree& I guess this thing reseeded.It had a few light violet colored flowers.Its been different this time.I didn't know what it was but looked your post.I knew I'd planted seeds.I hope it reseeds like mad.

plant it in full sun or partial but more on the sunny side of life.I water mine daily& if wash the deck it gets watered then again.I think it would need protected from wind.
So if someone else stumbles in here.......I'm a mild climate.So my seeds and maybe my roots overwinter.its also in a warm pocket area,(but maybe not now cause the tree was retreescaped)My last frost in mostly in Dec.When do I need to sow for fall blooms& can I stagger seeds planting time(like some hibiscus) for contuneous blooms?
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
The 1st year I had it in shade under a cedar tree& it got a lil morning sun for maybe 2 hours and was a leggy 12 inches.Hurricane Rita Retreescaped my cedar tree& I guess this thing reseeded.It had a few light violet colored flowers.Its been different this time.I didn't know what it was but looked your post.I knew I'd planted seeds.I hope it reseeds like mad.

plant it in full sun or partial but more on the sunny side of life.I water mine daily& if wash the deck it gets watered then again.I think it would need protected from wind.
So if someone else stumbles in here.......I'm a mild climate.So my seeds and maybe my roots overwinter.its also in a warm pocket area,(but maybe not now cause the tree was retreescaped)My last frost in mostly in Dec.When do I need to sow for fall blooms& can I stagger seeds planting time(like some hibiscus) for contuneous blooms?
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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Search The Garden Helper:
I just recently planted a bunch of seeds for Love-In-A-Mist...or Nigella ...anyway, I live in zone 7 and the seed packet says nothing about what to do after they sprout? IE., full sun or shade? water a lot or a little? Perennial or Annual? I can't seem to find much info on this would love any advice anyone can give!!! Thanks Again!!!