The bed is not ready but.....
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by alankhart on May 10, 2006 05:17 AM
The soil is the life of your plants, so if you can wait you'd reap the benfits of better soil and healthier plants.
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by Budman on May 10, 2006 05:41 AM
I am in the same boat. I just built my home last spring and have been spending all my time building beds for my plants for the future. A Lady I know who works in the nursery section of a Hardware Store gave me a lot of perenniels last fall and I did not have anywhere to put them in. None of my beds were built and the soil I have is really red clay. I just went ahead and dug in the pots into a mound of sand that was left over from the building stage and wintered them over in it. This allowed me time to prepare the beds properly for them. They have all done very well and now I am just getting them into their new homes. I was amazed at how well they wintered over in that sand. I may have been lucky that our Winter was pretty mild. I am sure that I will benefit from the wait...
by tkhooper on May 13, 2006 12:39 AM
I look forward to seeing your gardens. I just started last year and still have barely scratched the surface. But I'm having lots of fun.
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Search The Garden Helper:
I rooted some impatient cuttings and I have some calla lillies that I had planned to put there. Should I wait until I have a chance to work in some compost or just go ahead and take a chance and stick 'em in the ground?
It's on the north side of my house too so I had wanted to put them there.