Can I dig up my Daffodils when they are done??
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by netty on May 05, 2006 02:21 PM
Hi Heidi
I dig up bulbs all the time!! I store them in a plastic milk crate in a cool dry place. When I plant them back up in the fall I give them some bulb booster and they are just fine.
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I dig up bulbs all the time!! I store them in a plastic milk crate in a cool dry place. When I plant them back up in the fall I give them some bulb booster and they are just fine.
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by netty on May 05, 2006 02:23 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention that I DO leave the foliage to die off naturally.
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by Jiffymouse on May 08, 2006 08:07 AM
but, leaving them in a "light" place mightn't hurt, they can get some nutrients from the light even if they aren't in the ground.
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I hate the way daffs look once they are done and died down. I know you SHOULD leave them alone so they get stronger and come back again next year. Well what if I dug them up and stored them live you would some other bulbs like for example Glads. If I just left the green on them and put them some where dark and cool. Maybe put some of that fungus stuff on them so they wouldn't mold. What do you all think. Has any one done this? If so what steps did you take? I kinda have an idea where I want them all next year, but if just transplant that means I still have to look at them die till like July