Cool weather Pansies??
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by Pinkhorseofcourse on April 19, 2006 01:17 PM
I saw some Cool weather Pansies yesterday when I was shopping and they were gorgeous. I almost bought them, but when I read the tag it said they bloom spring and fall... My question is, do they ONLY bloom in spring and fall? And if so, what do they do all summer? I always have regular pansies that bloom all summer, but had never noticed this type before. Any comments??
by SpringFever on April 19, 2006 08:17 PM
Good question Pink I have sen them here too.. never bought any either. ![[dunno]](im/graemlins/dunno.gif)
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by eClaire on April 19, 2006 10:55 PM
I have cool weather pansies, and they are annuals, they usually die here when it gets up into the 80's on a regular basis. I have heard that if you chop the tops off, they will bloom again while its hot, but I'm not sure. I'm going to try and extend their life this year, they are such bright blooming and easy plants to take care of!
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by Pinkhorseofcourse on April 20, 2006 04:37 AM
Hmmm.. so they don't even last all summer to bloom again in the fall..
I am glad I didn't buy them. You will have to let us know if yours make it all summer.
We have very hot summers here, so I guess I am out of luck... but, I wonder why they sell them in our area... Seems a little disappointing that they would only bloom in spring.
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