Daylilies Didn't Flower
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2002
by KCamp on October 21, 2002 08:51 AM
I planted over 40 daylilie bulbs last Fall (2001) but only a few of them flowered this Summer (2002). The rest shot up leaves (looked promising) but flowers never appeared. Does anyone know what would cause them not to bloom? Maybe not enough sun? Leave were all healthy, just no flowers.
by Plant Doctor on October 23, 2002 01:35 AM
Day lilies do like a fair amount of sun, but I have seen them flower in the partial shade before. Is it possible that they may have been trampled a bit just as they were coming out of the ground? That will usually stop most bulbs from flowering.
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by KCamp on October 23, 2002 05:56 AM
They weren't stepped on. I'm thinking they just aren't getting enough sun where I've got them planted. I think they probably get about 3-4 hours of sunlight. Apparently one of the varieties doesn't mind so much, since it bloomed. The others need more. I'll need to move them to a sunny location.
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the help.
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the help.
by alankhart on October 23, 2002 06:46 AM
I actually have some daylilies in almost full shade and they flower each year. More likely it was because the bulbs were not mature enough to flower. Planting bulbs is definitely cheaper than bare root or container grown daylilies, but it can often take a couple of years to get flowers. You might want to wait until next year to see if they flower....then you can move them if not. You can actually move daylilies anytime, even when in bloom. (Of course you may not want to take a chance that they won't bloom again next year and go ahead and move them!) 
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by KCamp on October 23, 2002 07:07 AM
Thank you Alankhart, for your help.
Sun...shade...who's to know? Maybe I'll take the chance and let them rest where they are over the winter. See what we get next Spring/Summer and move them if they don't bloom. I didn't realize you could move them anytime. Thought you'd have to wait until after their season was over. More helpful information. Thank you!!!
Sun...shade...who's to know? Maybe I'll take the chance and let them rest where they are over the winter. See what we get next Spring/Summer and move them if they don't bloom. I didn't realize you could move them anytime. Thought you'd have to wait until after their season was over. More helpful information. Thank you!!!
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