regarding tomatoe plants
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by countrylady on July 12, 2005 09:33 PM
when you plant tomatoe plants do you have to put more then one plant in the pot or can one plant be on its own.
by weezie13 on July 12, 2005 09:39 PM
Most of the time, I'd say yes, one to a container.
Alot depends on the size of the container as well.
I do alot of mine in a 5 gallon food grade bucket.
You can even plant a tomato plant in an old bale
of hay/straw too...*When I read it, they said you could put two,
one on either end of the bale*
But usually the reason you'd only put one to a container is the air circulation around the plant.
Alot of times disease is caused by poor air circulation around the plant, when it's confined
and crowded, that invites disease...
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Most of the time, I'd say yes, one to a container.
Alot depends on the size of the container as well.
I do alot of mine in a 5 gallon food grade bucket.
You can even plant a tomato plant in an old bale
of hay/straw too...*When I read it, they said you could put two,
one on either end of the bale*
But usually the reason you'd only put one to a container is the air circulation around the plant.
Alot of times disease is caused by poor air circulation around the plant, when it's confined
and crowded, that invites disease...
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
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