Osteospermum Helen Dimond
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by alankhart on March 20, 2004 05:45 PM
It sounds like it has developed powdery mildew, a common problem with many plants. You can spray it with a fungicide spray, but it probably won't kill it all. You will probably have to remove all of the infected leaves (that may be all of them!) and spray with fungicide to prevent it from coming back. It shouldn't take too long for new leaves to grow, but in the meantime it will look rather pitiful! Powdery mildew usually doesn't kill the plant, but it makes it look unsightly. Good air circulation is critical for preventing it also.
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by Helen Maffin on March 30, 2004 11:49 AM
thank you so much alan - thats great.
Now it is getting to spring I will be happier putting the plant outside and not in a stuffy conservatory! Hopefully then it will thrive
Now it is getting to spring I will be happier putting the plant outside and not in a stuffy conservatory! Hopefully then it will thrive
by Flower on March 30, 2004 12:25 PM
....that's one of my favorite flowers!
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Anyway my question : It has this strange white powdery substance on most of it's leaves. I was wondering what this is, and if it is harmful to the plant or to humans/pets?
Any care tips would be greatly received, like if I should put it out in the garden or leave it potted inside?
Many thanks in advance, Helen