Ok to Transplant Roses Now?
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by Angelfaery on March 31, 2006 05:59 AM
I was reading the guide to transplanting roses and it says to do it when the roses are dormant. But is it ok at all to do it this time of the year? We have a great rose bush at work that is stuck behind a building and I would love to take it and put it in my garden at home.
by MissJamie on March 31, 2006 12:08 PM
I don't see what it would hurt to transplant them now! I'd go ahead and do it...just make sure that the ground isn't frozen and that you aren't expecting any more snow,ice,frost,etc...good luck!
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by mike57 on March 31, 2006 09:21 PM
In your (zone) its best move them in the spring.Here is a link on pruning them before you transplant them.
Heres some information on transplanting them. Roses are best transplanted in late winter or early spring when they are coming out of winter dormancy.But for a successful transplant i have better luck in the spring than in late winter as the ground might be hard to dig and the cold could damage your plants.Most roses are sold in the spring so its the best time to plant or transplant them.Here is the best way i know of to transplant them.Water the plant every day for a few days.Then dig the hole where you plan on moving it to approximately 20 to 25 inches wide and 12 to 15 inches deep. Roses like soil that is rich in organic matter so mix generous amounts of organic matter into the soil that you dug out of the planting hole.I would recommend putting on some gloves and then prune back the rose as much as possible.Then Dig a circle around the plant about 10 to 12 inches beyond where its drip line was. If you run across any roots cut them off with a pair of hand pruners.Continue to dig down about 15 inches until you can slip your shovel under the plant. Once you have undercut the rose bush you will should be able to remove it easily.When you lift the plant you will find that most of the soil will drop off the roots leaving them exposed.In the hole where your going to plant it make a mound of amended soil spread out the roots and set the plant on the mound. Be sure the mound is tall enough to hold the crown at the same level it was originally planted.then just backfill the hole about halfway with the amended soil and fill it with water.Then when that drains add more soil to fill the hole and make a ring of soil around the hole with some of the soil.Then flood the area again the ring of soil will help hold the water on the planted rose.after that water soaks in put in the rest of the soil to establish the finish grade.Then dress the soil then top that with some good organic mulch.Then water once a week till new growth starts growing.hope this helps.your friend in gardening.Mike57
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Heres some information on transplanting them. Roses are best transplanted in late winter or early spring when they are coming out of winter dormancy.But for a successful transplant i have better luck in the spring than in late winter as the ground might be hard to dig and the cold could damage your plants.Most roses are sold in the spring so its the best time to plant or transplant them.Here is the best way i know of to transplant them.Water the plant every day for a few days.Then dig the hole where you plan on moving it to approximately 20 to 25 inches wide and 12 to 15 inches deep. Roses like soil that is rich in organic matter so mix generous amounts of organic matter into the soil that you dug out of the planting hole.I would recommend putting on some gloves and then prune back the rose as much as possible.Then Dig a circle around the plant about 10 to 12 inches beyond where its drip line was. If you run across any roots cut them off with a pair of hand pruners.Continue to dig down about 15 inches until you can slip your shovel under the plant. Once you have undercut the rose bush you will should be able to remove it easily.When you lift the plant you will find that most of the soil will drop off the roots leaving them exposed.In the hole where your going to plant it make a mound of amended soil spread out the roots and set the plant on the mound. Be sure the mound is tall enough to hold the crown at the same level it was originally planted.then just backfill the hole about halfway with the amended soil and fill it with water.Then when that drains add more soil to fill the hole and make a ring of soil around the hole with some of the soil.Then flood the area again the ring of soil will help hold the water on the planted rose.after that water soaks in put in the rest of the soil to establish the finish grade.Then dress the soil then top that with some good organic mulch.Then water once a week till new growth starts growing.hope this helps.your friend in gardening.Mike57
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by Angelfaery on April 01, 2006 05:37 AM
Wow! Thanks for all that information! I'm definitely going to go for it this weekend then!
by mike57 on April 01, 2006 01:01 PM
HI Angelfaery.you are very welcome and good luck with the transplant.your friend in gardening.mike57
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