Honeysuckle and rose care for sping
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by njoynit on March 31, 2006 10:16 PM
Hybrid teas.I cut mine back to 6-10 inches.but have a much longer growing season.mine bloom from april-dec.I think being further north you'd cut back the diseased, dead,interfering stems(stems that cross)Dead stems cut back flush with the bud union& I seal mine with wood glue or nail polish.I'd choose 3-6 good canes as keepers.Its hard for me say the proper hight for cutting as when I lived in Indpls Z5 I would tie my canes together and wrap them for the winter& didn't need to trim them hardly any& my white one on fence,I just tossed a tarp over it.
Any rose that blooms once I trim after blooming.
Any rose that blooms when bloom finished I cut to 1 st set of 5 leaves
I can't help honeysuckle wise.mine stays evergreen.It really flourished after mowing.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
Any rose that blooms once I trim after blooming.
Any rose that blooms when bloom finished I cut to 1 st set of 5 leaves
I can't help honeysuckle wise.mine stays evergreen.It really flourished after mowing.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by njoynit on March 31, 2006 10:23 PM
oh.cut at a 45 degree angle away from the cane.
Maybe 12-15 inches hight would be better for your climate.I've already sprayed mine with Neem oil.I'm humid south so blackspot is a part of life.neem helps with canker disease(brown spots on stems)
sealing with glue or nail polish keeps rose borers out.
I can grow roses,but kill mini's
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
Maybe 12-15 inches hight would be better for your climate.I've already sprayed mine with Neem oil.I'm humid south so blackspot is a part of life.neem helps with canker disease(brown spots on stems)
sealing with glue or nail polish keeps rose borers out.
I can grow roses,but kill mini's
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
Search The Garden Helper:
I just joined up with this forum...and have a couple of questions regarding the rose garden I planted last summer.
In my rose garden, there is a honeysuckle which I bought in a 2 gallon pot (I think it was about that big) last summer. I put it up on a trellis, gave it water, fertilizer, and sung to it. It grew and grew and grew last summer, but never flowered. This spring I have cut off some of the old growth so far. The shoots are brown on the outside, but green wood inside, so it survived the winter (yay!). No sign of any buds on the old wood though, which is why I cut it back. SO I have a two part question. 1) Next spring should I prune it, or leave it...it occurs to me now that I should have looked before I leaped. 2)Is it normal for a honeysuckle to not bloom the first year or two? I don't know what species it is because I lost the tag. I do remember the picture being orangy, but how accurate those tags are we never know. Also, I am in Ontario..zone 5 best I can tell.
Also, my roses, which LOVE their spot are getting some fertilizer, more mulch and a good pruning. Should I be looking for shape or should I cut them right back? They are a variety of different roses, but mostly hybrids. Also, am I missing anything??? Do my miniature roses need anything special?
Sorry for the long post, I'll try to keep the rest a bit shorter, although I do tend to be long-winded-ish.
Thanks for your help!