erk..smells like barff
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Patty S on March 26, 2006 08:14 AM
Franny, it could have been from something left over in the ceramic pot (Did you scrub it out before you used it?), or something in the potting soil you used.
Did you use that same potting soil for other seeds?
Had the seed sprouted yet when this happened? I wouldn't think that it could have been the plant itself that gave off that smell (& certainly wouldn't have produced small white things with a green dot in the middle), but there ARE a few plants that I know of, that give off a very foul odor.
Some mystery you've got there, girl! If you've already thrown it away I suppose there is no problem at this point. I do hope it doesn't happen again though! (Just out of curiosity, what kind of seed was it?)
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Had the seed sprouted yet when this happened? I wouldn't think that it could have been the plant itself that gave off that smell (& certainly wouldn't have produced small white things with a green dot in the middle), but there ARE a few plants that I know of, that give off a very foul odor.
Some mystery you've got there, girl! If you've already thrown it away I suppose there is no problem at this point. I do hope it doesn't happen again though! (Just out of curiosity, what kind of seed was it?)
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by Francine on March 26, 2006 08:27 AM
no it was a brand new pot i just bought the day before and i garbaged everything.i looked and it was a red i don t know,must ve been mold ,i guess..
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no it was a brand new pot i just bought the day before and i garbaged everything.i looked and it was a red i don t know,must ve been mold ,i guess..
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by loz on March 26, 2006 09:45 AM
Maybe a pet was sick on the plant pot?
I can't think of what in the world it could be....I'm stumped.
by Francine on March 26, 2006 10:15 AM
no loz,the pots are at a place where no pets can get and the pots are so close together that even if they could it would be impossible for them to jump any where near it.but thankx.
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by Longy on March 28, 2006 02:49 AM
Sounds like a fungi (or mould.) The spore would've been in the potting mix probably. Some of them stink to attract flies to them to carry spore around or some such disgusting thing. There are these fungi that grow in woodchip mulch that look like.. well, lets say they look male and they stink like dog crap. Some succulents have rotten smelling flowers to attract flies for pollination too.
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a few minutes ago i was so discusted,it made me nauseas.i was inspecting my seedlings and maibe or weeks a go i had planted a seed in a ceramic little pot well as it just happened that i kinda overdamped it and there came a smell of (excuse the word)barff like you would believe ;i looked in the saucer and there was those small white thing ,was green dot in the middle of it and some were floating and some were even attached to the pot,erk,how discusting,i threw everything away i was so mad,normally i always watch over the watering so this don t happen
i don t know what that was,i looked at the same seedling days ago and it was fine,could someone tell me what it was,it really discussed me.i washed my hands with javex and it still smells,i m awestruck,first time something like that happens to me
please tell me am really looking forward to your replies.
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