elephant ears
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by duckie on March 24, 2005 01:12 AM
I love elephant ears.I grow them every year.
I live in zone 5,that should be close enough for comparison.
I grow them on the north side of my house.They get sun until about noon.They do like regular water.In the summer I water once a week if we don't get any rain.
They must be dug up in the fall and stored over winter.I've been using the same three bulbs for 4 years.
And they do multiply,if you want to bother with the little ones.
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by plants 'n pots on March 24, 2005 04:31 AM
Hi Duckie
Thanks so much for your help. I'm glad to hear you are successful with them in your zone. I can't wait to pot them up and give these babies a start!![[thumb]](im/graemlins/thumb.gif)
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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
Thanks so much for your help. I'm glad to hear you are successful with them in your zone. I can't wait to pot them up and give these babies a start!
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by duckie on March 24, 2005 06:26 AM
I start mine in pots the middle of March.
In my zone I can plant them on May 1st.I take them out and plant them in the soil.
But you certainly can leave them in pots.Lots of folks grow them that way.
I choose not to because you'll have to water much more often.
I luv potted plants and hanging baskets.But in the high heat of summer, my rule of thumb is,if it doesn't rain ,you need to water them.
It can get very time consuming.Bet you knew that.
Thought I would add it for other folks.I wish someone would have told me.
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by alankhart on March 24, 2005 06:41 PM
Here in zone 6b/7a I leave mine in the ground and cover with mulch...they come back bigger every year. I have mine in part shade...the more sun they get the more water they need. Elelphant Ears will actually grow in water, so they make nice pond plants.
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by obywan59 on March 24, 2005 07:14 PM
I'm going to try that Alankhart. I'm in zone 6b also. That would be one less chore, not having to dig them up and then pot them in the spring. How much mulch and what kind do you use?
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May the force be with you
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May the force be with you
by alankhart on March 26, 2005 12:21 AM
I use about 3" of hardwood mulch, but I think any type of mulch will do.....whatever you like best. You should also plant them rather deep, leaving at least 6" from the top of the bulb to the top of the soil. Happy growing!
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by Kingfisher on March 28, 2005 04:29 AM
Here in north west alabama I mulch them with pine straw (2") and those things have gone crazy! The bulbs are planted under deck stairs in the shade, the ears grow out into the sun. They are planted at the west side of my home so they get the hottest sun of the day. The leaves sometimes wilt a little bit but no harm. They have been planted for only 3 years and I have had to seperate them already. To be honest I think I could get away without mulching here. But play it safe. Good luck.
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"