root rot?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by phoenix on May 10, 2005 04:45 PM
there are a few things you could do. you could start a watering schedule and do most of your watering once a week,if you have plants that need to be watered more then you can water them and not the others. you could also scoop out some of the real moist soil and replace it with new dry soil and then water once ALL the soil is dry.
just out of curiosity how often DO you water your plants?? hope this is helpful
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"If you want to talk bollocks and discuss the meaning of life,you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey.That way you're drunk by the time you start to take yourself seriously"
by Tulip on May 10, 2005 04:50 PM
I normally water a little every day or when the soil is dry..lately I have cut down watering to once a week because of my discovery.. I have a fe basic plants.. such as aloe veras and a spider plant and a few that I have no idea what they are.. so Im not to sure about the watering they need.
Thank- you for your suggestions!
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Thank- you for your suggestions!
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by phoenix on May 10, 2005 04:57 PM
wow a little water everyday huh?? do you live in a very dry area? your spider plant would probably like to be a little on the dry side most of the time. i water my 3 once every 8-10 days. my aloe once a week or less depending on how warm and dry the house gets. you should post some pictures of your "mystery plants" so you then would know what you have and how to care for them ![[thumb]](im/graemlins/thumb.gif)
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"If you want to talk bollocks and discuss the meaning of life,you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey.That way you're drunk by the time you start to take yourself seriously"
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"If you want to talk bollocks and discuss the meaning of life,you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey.That way you're drunk by the time you start to take yourself seriously"
by tkhooper on May 10, 2005 07:56 PM
Hey Tulip,
Stick your finger down to almost the second nuckle and if the aloe is dry all the way down then give it a good dollup of water. Otherwise not. They are a sucellent(sp) and hold water. So you want to dry them out between waterings. Also they go dormant from time to time and need almost no water. If you can't post pictures here tell us what the other plants look like. With standard house plants it's suprising how fast the experts can identify a plant.
I was discussing a bush that is down in one of the containers and in the snap of your fingers two people came up the plants name (it was barberry).
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Stick your finger down to almost the second nuckle and if the aloe is dry all the way down then give it a good dollup of water. Otherwise not. They are a sucellent(sp) and hold water. So you want to dry them out between waterings. Also they go dormant from time to time and need almost no water. If you can't post pictures here tell us what the other plants look like. With standard house plants it's suprising how fast the experts can identify a plant.
I was discussing a bush that is down in one of the containers and in the snap of your fingers two people came up the plants name (it was barberry).
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Search The Garden Helper:
Now for my question.. The soil in most of my plants are very very wet.. I found this when I was transpanting some of them.. I don't think its gone as far as root rot.. but would like to stop it before , if its going to happen. What should I do? Just not water for a while?
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