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by zbawic on April 19, 2005 03:01 AM
Can anyone recommend a good, reliable online nursery for houseplant starts?
by tkhooper on April 19, 2005 12:58 PM
If you want some houseplants that start as bulbs here is an on-line nursery I can highly recommend.
They offer; Amaryllis, Begonias, and Cyclamen.
And here is one that specializes in Coleus.
I haven't found one for general houseplants that I like yet, mostly because I am just getting started myself.
Good luck in your search.
* * * *

They offer; Amaryllis, Begonias, and Cyclamen.
And here is one that specializes in Coleus.
I haven't found one for general houseplants that I like yet, mostly because I am just getting started myself.
Good luck in your search.
* * * *

by Leander on April 20, 2005 07:34 PM
I use Spring Hill. They have a lifetime guarantee and all of the stuff I get is in good shape. Another good one is Bluestone Perennials. Both give you alot of information on their sites.
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