Rooting Question & Common Name Questions?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by MissJamie on April 11, 2005 09:12 PM
hi and welcome to the forum! there's some wonderful folks around here that would love to help you. I'm sorry but I can't really help with identifying these plants for you but I can help a little bit though. You may want to repost your pics in the mystery plant forum and ask there what your plants are. about the rooting stuff i don't know? sorry i couldn't be of much help!
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*~*Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.
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*~*Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.
by phoenix on April 11, 2005 09:29 PM
the first pic is an scheffelera or "umbrella tree"
from australia i believe. i dont think a leaf would root but i do believe that you can do what thay call air layering or you can cut the "trunk" into 3 pieces take the top of the plant and root that part. lay the middle section on some good soil and multiple plants should start from that,and the piece still in dirt with the roots cover the top with some moss,tie a little plastic bag around it and you should see new growth shortly.ahhh take a breath with me i get motor mouth sometimes
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"If you want to talk bollocks and discuss the meaning of life,you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey.That way you're drunk by the time you start to take yourself seriously"
by Jiffymouse on April 15, 2005 02:27 AM
schefffleras generally only root from "green wood" or "soft wood" cuttings. and they take forever, but are worth it.
by connie mounsey on April 15, 2005 02:21 PM
The second plant looks like some kind of philodendron to me.
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Without faith life has no meaning.
by Safari Barbie on April 15, 2005 11:43 PM
Yes, the second pic of a philodendron. We have one bigger than that and it lives outside during the summer under a tree. In the winter (here from late Nov/early December to late March), it's in the carport that's enclosed with corrigated plastic. The temps get in the low 40's and it doens't mind. Also, I maybe water it once while it's indoors. They're very cool plants - we love ours.
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Southern coastal North Carolina
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Southern coastal North Carolina
Search The Garden Helper:
Can this plant be rooted from one of its leaves? I’m asking since it is a tree-like plant. And I wasnt sure if it would grow its tree-like "stalk" by rooting it from a leave??
And do you know the common name for this?
Do you know the common name for this plant?