Getting a Cala Lilly to bloom
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by weezie13 on April 02, 2005 12:26 AM
Hey Swarm,
Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum..
We are very glad you found us!!!
Got a couple of questions for you?????
When you repotted it, how deep did you plant the bulb??
What kind of dirt did you use?
And have you given it any type of fertilizer before?
And do you let it go dormant thru the winter?
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Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum..
We are very glad you found us!!!
Got a couple of questions for you?????
When you repotted it, how deep did you plant the bulb??
What kind of dirt did you use?
And have you given it any type of fertilizer before?
And do you let it go dormant thru the winter?
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
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- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by swarm on April 02, 2005 01:10 AM
Dont know what Im doing just yet, hope this comes through lol
Anyhow we replanted it at the same depth it was, maybe 3 inches. We have given it sporadic organic fertilizer but not much, usually just water. Should I give it some bloom fertilizer?
I was hoping there was a light/dark formula I could get so I can put it in the bathtub/dark at night for the set number of hours. We used some generic potting soil, unfertilized I believe. And yes it goes dormant in winter and comes up like blazes in spring. The pot is fairly small too, maybe only 10 inch.
I was hoping there was a light/dark formula I could get so I can put it in the bathtub/dark at night for the set number of hours. We used some generic potting soil, unfertilized I believe. And yes it goes dormant in winter and comes up like blazes in spring. The pot is fairly small too, maybe only 10 inch.
by mike57 on April 04, 2005 10:47 AM
you might try and take another flower and use it to polinate your Cala Lilly this might work for you they need to be visted by bees or some thing to help polinate them to bloom. they like a lot of sun and water.hope this helps.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by weezie13 on April 04, 2005 06:48 PM
I was wondering about the depth of the bulb
being planted.... I've read that if you plant a bulb too deep, what happens is... the bulb has stored energy, from the previous year... when it's time to go up to the top of the soil in the spring time, it uses "X" amount of energy to get there, and "Y" amount of energy to a flower going up...
But, if you've planted a bulb toooo deep, it takes the "X" amount of energy to get to the top, but because it's too deep, it then takes the "Y"
energy to get to the rest of the way to the top.
Thus, no flower.... the bulb may stay healthy enough to keep growing green leaves every year,
but not enough to flower...
That's only a guess???
I would also use some Alfalfa Meal if you can find some, it's a good organic product and good for flowering...
Also, a quick shot of something like a "Spray~n~Grow" or "Shultz Plus 10~50~10"
That will help with the flowering part...
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being planted.... I've read that if you plant a bulb too deep, what happens is... the bulb has stored energy, from the previous year... when it's time to go up to the top of the soil in the spring time, it uses "X" amount of energy to get there, and "Y" amount of energy to a flower going up...
But, if you've planted a bulb toooo deep, it takes the "X" amount of energy to get to the top, but because it's too deep, it then takes the "Y"
energy to get to the rest of the way to the top.
Thus, no flower.... the bulb may stay healthy enough to keep growing green leaves every year,
but not enough to flower...
That's only a guess???
I would also use some Alfalfa Meal if you can find some, it's a good organic product and good for flowering...
Also, a quick shot of something like a "Spray~n~Grow" or "Shultz Plus 10~50~10"
That will help with the flowering part...
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
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- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by mike57 on April 04, 2005 08:50 PM
I agree with Weezie it might be planted to deep also fertilise byweekly.i found this site for planting and care for you plant hope this will help you.
your friend in gardening mike57.
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your friend in gardening mike57.
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