Draceana, I have also heard it called corn plant
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
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by angelichellion on December 23, 2006 10:13 PM
I have a Draceana that my husband gave me for Mother's Day 18 years ago!! It has flourished longer than I ever thought it would, but recently the leaves have started to turn brown and fall off. It is looking very scraggly. Prior to this occuring my husband was setting the plant outside on the porch. I am afraid it may have been to hot for it. I have gone ahead and cut it down, putting the cuttings in water to root. Is this correct?? Also, should I take some stem cuttings??? thank you so much for any help in this matter
by badplanter on December 24, 2006 01:00 AM
If you are taking cuttings, maybe a rooting agent, or hormone, can speed that up.
As a matter of fact, just today, I went out to the hardware store and bought a rooting agent for my aloe, who's root system has seemed to fail... I've heard that this stuff is very good to use: Rootone
This is what I bought. It's cheap, and, like I said, supposidly very effective.
Good luck!
* * * *

"I don't want no more of army life, gee mom, I wanna go, but they won't let me go, gee mom, I wanna go home!" My PB!
As a matter of fact, just today, I went out to the hardware store and bought a rooting agent for my aloe, who's root system has seemed to fail... I've heard that this stuff is very good to use: Rootone
This is what I bought. It's cheap, and, like I said, supposidly very effective.
Good luck!
* * * *

by Jiffymouse on December 26, 2006 12:24 AM
18 years? WOW that beats my personal record of 16 years!!
rather than stem cuttings, if the stem is healthy, make nicks, about a third of the way around, on several different ones of the bands. do some just above, and some just below, all on different bands, 'cause i don't remember which makes it sprout. but that way, your original plant will grow more "arms"
rather than stem cuttings, if the stem is healthy, make nicks, about a third of the way around, on several different ones of the bands. do some just above, and some just below, all on different bands, 'cause i don't remember which makes it sprout. but that way, your original plant will grow more "arms"
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