Growing Dogwood from Seed
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by neko nomad on January 03, 2006 12:09 AM
hi,Oui (Happy New Year, too)
did a Google search on Cornus Florida, and feel encouraged to have a go at putting one into my mixed border out back-- the tempering effects of Lake Ontario gives my address a milder mini-clmate zone. Thanks for the jog for ideas on what to try this year. I fondly remember the flowering dogwood from my days at (then)Camp Gordon fifty years ago.
did a Google search on Cornus Florida, and feel encouraged to have a go at putting one into my mixed border out back-- the tempering effects of Lake Ontario gives my address a milder mini-clmate zone. Thanks for the jog for ideas on what to try this year. I fondly remember the flowering dogwood from my days at (then)Camp Gordon fifty years ago.
by Oui on January 03, 2006 12:22 AM
Neko nomad: I have 4 wild dogwoods on my property. One is 25 ft tall. Tried once to harvest the seeds. They did not grow. But I did not prepare the seeds at all. This year I am going to try to prepare the seeds verses the instructions I found, and see what happens.
I love my 25 ft tall dogwood. Several large branches died in the middle of the tree. When I trimed them away the tree ended up looking like a large bonsai. <<big smile>>
I love my 25 ft tall dogwood. Several large branches died in the middle of the tree. When I trimed them away the tree ended up looking like a large bonsai. <<big smile>>
by neko nomad on January 03, 2006 12:52 AM
Way to go !! I can relate to that style of ornamental tree care, having spent some years where I saw the bonsai style practised.
Some pictures someday,hm,...?
Some pictures someday,hm,...?
by Oui on January 04, 2006 03:10 AM
Here is a picture of my favorite Wild Dogwood. It is not so pretty in the winter. This is the one I think looks like a bonsai since I had to trim some dead branches from the center. Hummmm well it kinda looks like a bonsai..

by Bill on January 04, 2006 03:33 AM
by neko nomad on January 04, 2006 04:13 AM
Bill -- Is that tree you show growing in the wild?
It's gotta be beautiful there in the spring !
Yours is a well-tended tree, Oui; the bonsai style I'm familiar with is a tad more extreme, though, and could be compared with topiary.
Didn't know they grew so tall -- like, hardly what one could call compact, which is how I hazily remember them in Augusta GA back in the spring of '56.
Think I'll surf around for a seed supplier.
My name is Neko Nomad, and I'm a plantaholic; glad to be here.
It's gotta be beautiful there in the spring !
Yours is a well-tended tree, Oui; the bonsai style I'm familiar with is a tad more extreme, though, and could be compared with topiary.
Didn't know they grew so tall -- like, hardly what one could call compact, which is how I hazily remember them in Augusta GA back in the spring of '56.
Think I'll surf around for a seed supplier.
My name is Neko Nomad, and I'm a plantaholic; glad to be here.
by Bill on January 04, 2006 04:32 AM
quote:I have a couple dozen of them growing wild here. The only maintenance I ever do is to clear the weed trees that try to compete with them. That Dogwood is part of my view when I sit in Hummingbird House... you're right they are very pretty. Thank you!
Bill -- Is that tree you show growing in the wild?
It's gotta be beautiful there in the spring !
Yours is a well-tended tree
* * * *

by Oui on January 04, 2006 11:00 AM
Does anybody know what the name of the disease Dogwoods get?? ALL my neighbors dogwoods died from something nasty and contagious. I cannot remember the name. My trees, however, did not die. Because they are wild I think. I had one nursery dogwood in my backyard that died from the disease. My neighbor across the street lost both LARGE dogwoods that she had. My 25 ft tree is maybe 50 ft away from her trees that died..It did not die...BUT my nursery dogwood is at least 200 feet away and in the backyard, it died. Weird huh??
by neko nomad on January 04, 2006 11:19 PM
Check out the link in my first post, oui, and you may get a name, but I can just imagine the heartbreak in losing such a pretty tree as your dogwood. Your photo shows a clean and tidy environment, and all I can say is just keep on doing what you've done so far.
Best wishes.
Best wishes.
by Oui on January 05, 2006 12:03 AM
The tree is along the north end of my yard which was once heavily wooded. My land is the original homeplace of the farmer that use to own all the land around here. I have been told that the north property line use to be wild but the underbrush was trimmed back. Wild dogwoods usually die when cover is cut back. This tree miraculously survived. It has 2 large trees on either side of it which protect it from the grueling full sun of summer. It is definately an OLD tree just based on how big the trunk is.
Oh how I love this tree.
Oh how I love this tree.
by Oui on January 18, 2006 02:26 PM
WELL....The link I originally put up does not work anymore...Hummm..
I found another good article...
sorry ya all
I found another good article...
sorry ya all
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Search The Garden Helper:
Here is a link that instructs: How to harvest, prepare and grow Dogwood trees from seed. Good detail.