Different kinda lucky bamboo
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by Will Creed on May 31, 2004 04:09 AM
It is not clear just what kind of plant you have. Can you provide a photo or at least a more detailed description of the plant? Is it still growing in water? Has it developed roots? What kind of light does it get?
It is not clear just what kind of plant you have. Can you provide a photo or at least a more detailed description of the plant? Is it still growing in water? Has it developed roots? What kind of light does it get?
by Nako on May 31, 2004 05:48 AM
Holy shnicken, i didn't get a picture of that one o.O Crap, i thought i got em all. Okay, well i'll have to get a picture of it tomorrow when its light out. It sits in a window that gets ambient light from outside. It had A LOT of roots in the water, so i repotted it in fishtank rocks and filled it to the top with water... you know, so the roots would have something to grab onto or something.
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by Nako on June 02, 2004 02:11 AM
Okie dokie i've finally got a picture of it lol. So can ya tell me about it?
Giant Lucky Bamboo
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Giant Lucky Bamboo
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by apples on June 02, 2004 04:01 AM
Picture didn't work.
I looked at it though. Is that a begonia lucerna beside it? those are monsters.
It looks like some kind of dracaena but don't know realy.
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The answers will come when needed. Otherwise, I'm guesing time will make me feel silly.
I looked at it though. Is that a begonia lucerna beside it? those are monsters.
It looks like some kind of dracaena but don't know realy.
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The answers will come when needed. Otherwise, I'm guesing time will make me feel silly.
by Nako on June 02, 2004 06:33 AM
That begonia would be the leave that started this one
what my mother did is she had that exact leave, and had it sit in water for a while until it rooted. When it rooted, she gave it to me, and told me to pot it. Was like the 3rd or so plant that i got. Anyway, as it grew, that leaf still hung out, soooo i snipped it off, and i'm rooting it. When its all rooted and stuff, i'm gonna give it back to my mom, and show her the big one ^.^ Those two baby leaves on it are around 18" now! Thing grows sooooooo fast! I accidently broke off one of its flower stems though >.< when it happened i was like "oh no!!
But ya, any info on why the bamboo ain't growin at all? its not bound, it gets plenty of water, its fed twice a month, gets plenty of ambient light from that window (faces perpendicular to the sunset horizon)
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what my mother did is she had that exact leave, and had it sit in water for a while until it rooted. When it rooted, she gave it to me, and told me to pot it. Was like the 3rd or so plant that i got. Anyway, as it grew, that leaf still hung out, soooo i snipped it off, and i'm rooting it. When its all rooted and stuff, i'm gonna give it back to my mom, and show her the big one ^.^ Those two baby leaves on it are around 18" now! Thing grows sooooooo fast! I accidently broke off one of its flower stems though >.< when it happened i was like "oh no!!
But ya, any info on why the bamboo ain't growin at all? its not bound, it gets plenty of water, its fed twice a month, gets plenty of ambient light from that window (faces perpendicular to the sunset horizon)
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by apples on June 03, 2004 12:30 PM
Pretty little monster indeed!
I ment that the bamboo looked kind of like I sort of dracaena just incase it wasn't clear, as lucky bamboo is a kind of dracaena(I think that's what it was
writen in a past post on it here)
I know some dracaenas are slow growing, my mom has one that has not noticbly changed since last summer when I started paying atention to the amasing plants we have!
That's as far as I can help. Will Creed should see it aventualy or someone else and I'm shure they'll be able to identify it as it does have very caractoristic look to it![[Wink]](im/wink.gif)
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The answers will come when needed. Otherwise, I'm guesing time will make me feel silly.
I ment that the bamboo looked kind of like I sort of dracaena just incase it wasn't clear, as lucky bamboo is a kind of dracaena(I think that's what it was
I know some dracaenas are slow growing, my mom has one that has not noticbly changed since last summer when I started paying atention to the amasing plants we have!
That's as far as I can help. Will Creed should see it aventualy or someone else and I'm shure they'll be able to identify it as it does have very caractoristic look to it
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The answers will come when needed. Otherwise, I'm guesing time will make me feel silly.
by Nako on June 04, 2004 04:57 AM
Actually, i've been lookin at it, and i've noticed a new leave starting to grow in the middle. It is growing ^.^ Quite quickly now that its used to the miracle-gro. But now i have another problem. I'll put up a different thread for that one though. But thanks for the info! Much appreciated ^.^ *hugz apples and mr. creed*
I guess it got sick of growing in water or something lol.
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I guess it got sick of growing in water or something lol.
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by apples on June 04, 2004 01:10 PM
Their's a possibility that the fertilizing after repotting stressed it a bit, hope it does well!
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The answers will come when needed. Otherwise, I'm guesing time will make me feel silly.
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The answers will come when needed. Otherwise, I'm guesing time will make me feel silly.
by Will Creed on June 06, 2004 04:58 AM
I can tell you that it definitely is not a bamboo. It looks like a Dracaena 'Janet Craig' except that the ends of the leaves have an odd asymmetrical shape. Perhaps they have been trimmed or it is the angle of the photo. It might also be a Cordyline. If it was imported from Thailand, then it may be a species that I have never seen.
I can tell you that it definitely is not a bamboo. It looks like a Dracaena 'Janet Craig' except that the ends of the leaves have an odd asymmetrical shape. Perhaps they have been trimmed or it is the angle of the photo. It might also be a Cordyline. If it was imported from Thailand, then it may be a species that I have never seen.
by Nako on June 06, 2004 07:45 PM
oh well they have been trimmed lol. They were getting all torn, and i was a beginner *I still am kinda lol* so i trimmed off all the brown, split, and smushy stuff.
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