White Flies and dark spots on plants
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2002
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by KNadsady1@aol.com on August 23, 2002 12:09 AM
White flies and mold are eating up my landscaping. How do I get rid of them?
by Bill on August 23, 2002 09:12 PM
Originally posted by KNadsady1@aol.com:
White flies and mold are eating up my landscaping. How do I get rid of them?
Whiteflies are sucking insects. This may be the cause of the dark spots on your plants, but without more information it would be impossible to say for sure. Whitefly control is difficult by the fact that they will leave the plant as soon as you try to spray them. The immature stage of white fly is scale-like and doesn't move, so it is in this stage that you must defeat them by weekly spraying with insecticidal soap. Malathion and diazinon sprays are also very effective, but be sure to follow the directions on the label because these chemicals can be injurious to some plants. Good luck!
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