Need a new houseplant
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by Chrissy on May 17, 2004 10:17 PM
I have a plant that grows similar to my Rosary Vine & I just love it. It is called a Senecio rowleyanus or String Of Pearls Plant. Here is some info on it: Senecio rowleyanus
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by Ronni on May 19, 2004 01:25 PM
Hi Connie,
I don't know what a rosary vine is, so I can't comment on anything similar.
I've bought a number of houseplants recently. My favorites are the diffenbachia that I have sitting on a little table in my kitchen--it looked kinda puny when I first got it, but within the first week it's leaves spread out and it shot out more new ones, and seemed to just jump to life. Plus I love the leaves, they look like they've been splattered with white paint!
The other one is a polka dot plant, at least that's its common name. I think its botanical name is Hypoestes. Its leaves are mostly different shades of pink, with little white dots all over. It has grown fast!
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I don't know what a rosary vine is, so I can't comment on anything similar.
I've bought a number of houseplants recently. My favorites are the diffenbachia that I have sitting on a little table in my kitchen--it looked kinda puny when I first got it, but within the first week it's leaves spread out and it shot out more new ones, and seemed to just jump to life. Plus I love the leaves, they look like they've been splattered with white paint!
The other one is a polka dot plant, at least that's its common name. I think its botanical name is Hypoestes. Its leaves are mostly different shades of pink, with little white dots all over. It has grown fast!
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by applescruff on May 20, 2004 09:49 PM
My favorite plant is a dieffenbachia. My old roommate bought it our first semester of college and then promptly forgot to water it for weeks at a time. Somehow the plant survived until the summer when she gave ti to me. That was exactly a year ago and now it is a big healthy happy looking plant.
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And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
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And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
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